Co-Curricular & Extra-Curricular Activities

There are countless ways to get involved at Faith Lutheran, no matter what your interests might be. Please contact the advisor of specific groups directly for more information, dates and fees.

List of 112 items.

  • AMC Math Club

    Currently Inactive

    The AMC Math Club is an excellent opportunity for a motivated math student to learn and study with other students. In addition, the AMC math club is open to any students regardless of math level to work on fun math problems and build critical thinking skills. Students who desire to prepare for the AMC 8, 10, or 12 may have additional expectations. Students will prepare for the AMC 10 or 12 through practice problems and learning valuable strategies. 

    Members of the AMC Math Club are expected to attend all meetings except when excused and behave appropriately during club time. All students will also be expected to complete classwork and homework when appropriate. Students who desire to prepare for the AMC 8, 10, or 12 may have additional expectations.

    The goal of the AMC Math Club is for students to learn more about competition math and compete in the AMC 10 or 12 in November. The math club will provide fun and appropriately challenging math puzzles for those not interested in competing. Students who desire to prepare for the AMC 8, 10, or 12 may have additional expectations.


    Currently looking for advisor 
  • American Sign Language Club

    This club offers opportunities to learn this beautiful language and its culture through interacting acquiring conversational skills, learning and performing songs in sign language and interacting with local Deaf community members.

    Members of this club are expected to dedicate time to attend the meetings, practice what is learned, and be open to new cultural experiences.
    ASL Club will hold officer elections in December and in 2024-2025 will create a club constitution.

    Our club’s purpose is to be able to converse with others using American Sign Language. The goal of our club is to invite all who want to learn ASL to join in on fun, interactive weekly lessons and meet members of our local Deaf community. 
    Where:  Room 406
    When:  1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. High School Students begin at 2:50 and middle school students join at 3:15pm.  Club meetings will end at 3:45pm.

    Abigail Sullivan, Student Leader
    Mrs. Bree Joiner, Faculty Advisor
    Ms. Anna McDaniel, Faculty Advisor
  • Applied Christianity HS

    Applied Christianity classes lead the weekly chapel services for the student body. They lead through Bible readings, skits, dramatic readings, etc. During the second half of the school year, students have the opportunity to write and create their own chapel services. This class fosters spiritual growth, creativity, and responsibility. It's also a lot of fun!

    There are currently two HS Applied Christianity classes; one class for 9th/10th graders, and one for 11th/12th graders. Students are permitted to take Applied Christianity only twice in their high school careers, and students may not take the class two years in a row.

    Participation in Applied Christianity is by application only, and membership is not guaranteed. Students must regularly attend church services as part of the class requirement. Students must also receive excellent recommendations from their teachers and be prepared to submit a statement of faith. If accepted, Applied counts as a theology credit.

    Applications are made available in early spring. Students can sign up for Applied Christianity when they fill out their schedule. If they have signed up for Applied on their schedule, an application will be delivered to them. Students will be notified of their acceptance/non-acceptance within a few weeks of the application due date.

  • Applied Christianity MS

    As an academic class, MS Applied Christianity (which is for only 7th and 8th graders) provides students an opportunity to lead weekly worship at Faith Lutheran. Students enrolled in Applied Christianity receive their theology credit for this class.

    This dynamic and ever changing class allows students to perform in skits, create the order of worship, lead liturgy, and share their faith based on the weekly chapel theme. Students will be challenged to think about how faith related topics relate to their lives and the lives of their peers as they take an active role in living out the school's mission statement: Everyone Prepared, EVERYONE SAVED.

    However, this class is by application only. The application process generally begins in late February after students have selected their classes. All students selected for this class must be active members of a local Christian church as well as willing to openly give a statement of their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior on their application.

    Archived chapels featuring both MS and HS Applied classes can be viewed here.

  • Art Club

    Art Club is a place for students who like to make art and create things to hang out, try new materials, techniques, and processes without the worry of grades or deadlines. Our meetings are held  3 Wednesdays each month from 3:20 to 4:45 in Room 101. Long meetings allow plenty of time for drawing, painting, socializing, and clean-up. Students can learn a new technique, join a group project, or be self-directed in their art-making. This club is all about hanging out with a creative community to create art and make friends.

    A one-time Membership Fee ($15) is collected annually for supplies & snacks for special activities throughout the year. Students are welcome to bring their own snack and a drink each week. Contact Mrs. Preston if dues are a barrier to participation.

    Mrs. Maria Preston
    Mr. Bernard Preston
  • Athletics HS

  • Athletics Managers

    Contact individual sports coaches / athletics webpage
  • Athletics MS

  • AV Production Club

    Students will learn how to manage and run streams as well as the equipment that is used in streaming. The core responsibility of the club is to manage chapel streams. Video Production will also assist in filming certain plays and shows. Students will also have the opportunity to work on video projects outside of streams.

    Members are expected to be able to learn as well as take care of streaming equipment and work well with others. Students should also learn filming techniques and rules of thumb in cinematography.

    The purpose of the club is to open up to students different opportunities and avenues into film outside of classes.

    The first gold day of each month in the CPAC starting at 3 pm.

    Faculty Advisor - Mr. Mastro
    Student Leader - Joseph Amen '25 
  • Band

    The instrumental program is for students in 6-12 grade from beginning band for students who are just learning to Symphonic band, which includes those students mastering their instrument(s). Students may also participate in jazz band, praiseband, Handbell Ensemble, and marching band. With a traveling piano lab, state of the art band room, and concerts, the instrumental program offers a chance for brand new musicians to find their talents as well as Conservatory students to hone their skills so they may pursue music after graduation. The music program has traveled all over the world competing both nationally and internationally. The music program opens a doorway to membership into Tri-M, the National Music Honor Society.

    Mr. Dan Zeigner
    Mr. Kirk Rustman
  • Bible Study MS

    Middle School Students - Bright Lights Bible Study 
    “Knowing Jesus, one verse at a time.” 

    The Bright Lights Bible Study is a place for middle school girls who are looking for some Christian community, growing in God’s Word, and having fun! Each time we meet there will be a Bible lesson, followed by a discussion based upon what we are studying. The club will include games, snacks, music, and more! Come have some fun!

    Members are expected to participate in conversations and games and be respectful towards their peers, the classroom, the teacher, and the lesson. If late, members are expected to let the leader know beforehand. Members are encouraged to bring their Student Study Bibles, however if needed they can use an online Bible or share. 

    The purpose of this Bible study is to deepen our understanding of Scripture and get to know Jesus outside of Faith class. It is also intended to build a steady place for girls to find peace, love, comfort and community within their busy schedules.

    Start date:  Wed., Aug. 21
    Time: 3:15 - 4:00pm
    Location: Room 113
    Emma Schumacher - First Semester  
    Confidence Nkoroh - Second Semester 
    Mrs. Rebecca Cheney -

    BOYS of BLESSINGS - Middle School Boys Bible Study is currently inactive and both needs student leadership & a faculty advisor.

    Middle School Bible Study offers opportunities to study God’s word and enjoy fellowship with fellow classmates! Bible study presentations will include authors such as Francis Chan, Tim Tebow, Matt Chandler and more!
    Show up when you can! A light snack will be provided, a video will be shown and some questions will be discussed. No expectations, no homework - simply a time to study The Word and reflect with your peers.
    The purpose of Middle School Bible Study is to offer an opportunity at school for students to further dive-into God’s word. The goal is to grow closer to Christ and make new friends!
  • Black Student Association

    This club offers opportunities to learn more about black history, create new friendships, and discuss personal and global issues that black people face.

    Members of this club/activity are expected to participate in group conversations, attend at least one meeting per month, and create a safe space for students. 

    Our club’s purpose is to provide a safe space for civil discourse regarding issues pertaining to black students and to create connections that improve the wellbeing of everyone in the club. 
    The goal of our club is to center black stories and black history, and to share correct information.  In an effort to achieve this purpose and goals, discussion of poems, articles, and videos created by black people that discuss the black experience, inventions, or music will be shared. 
    An example of a club meeting includes:
    Black slam poetry:
    a. Video 
    b. Discussion: 
    i. What do you like about the language and style the poem is in? 
    ii. Do you feel a connection to the message? 
    iii. Are there any other interesting black slam poetry that anyone would like to share? 

    Where? 334
    When? Thursday's during high school lunch

    Student Leader: Lena Lemma (
    Faculty Advisor: Sarah Crowder (
    Herbie Walker (
  • Blanket Project Club

    The Blanket Club offers high school students a chance to make no-sew blankets after school to benefit St. Judes Children’s Research Hospital, Children’s Hospital of Nevada, and the Las Vegas Rescue Mission.
    Members of The Blanket Club are expected to do the following:
    1. Show up at the designated area on time.
    2. A brief demonstration will be performed on how to make a no-sew blanket at the beginning of the meeting.
    3. Stay at the meeting in the designated area to finish the blanket(s).
    4. Blankets will be collected at the end of the meeting and delivered to designated charities.
    5. Snacks, a movie, and blanket supplies will be provided during the meeting!
    The purpose of The Blanket Club is to provide handmade blankets to people in need. It also will give students an opportunity to work as a community and lend a helping hand to their neighbors. Students will also create relationships with their fellow classmates while enjoying snacks and movies!
    Where: Teachers lounge next to the cafeteria
    When: 3-4:30 pm; Last Wednesday of every month, except for December & May 
    ADVISOR: Megan Buikema
    STUDENT LEADERSHIP: Filomena Erra '25
  • Book & Creative Writing Club

  • Bowling Club

    This club/activity offers opportunities to bowl for fun or to improve your skills. This is open to middle school and high school students.
    Members of this club/activity are responsible for drop off and pick up from Sun Coast Bowling Alley. Student sign in and pay normal fee for 2 games and shoes at school’s check-in table. Students will represent Faith and its school policies for behavior. 
    Our club’s purpose is to provide an outlet for fellowship fun to students through bowling. The goal of our club is to provide fun and/or provide an opportunity for those who want to compete.

    Where: Sun Coast Bowling Alley
    When: Wednesday's at 4pm 
    Faculty Advisor:  Miss Mollie Hittinger 
    Student Leader: Currently looking for student leadership 
  • Builder's Club MS

    Currently inactive; needs student leadership & faculty advisor.

    Builder’s Club is a student-led service organization for 6th through 8th grade students. The local Kiwanis Club of Las Vegas serves as the Builder’s Club sponsor. Members of this organization are students who are interested in service to the school and community.

    Builder’s Club offers opportunities for students to develop student leadership skills and provide service to others, both within our school and our community. Students can participate in club led activities as well as service in organizations of their own choosing. Builder’s Club members work with each other to find opportunities for service and help each other reach service goals.

    Members of this club/activity are expected to do the following:
    1. Complete a Permission to Participate form.
    2. Pay membership dues of $30.00 a year. 
    3. Complete service hours by volunteering to help within your school and community throughout the school year.
    4. Submit signed Verification of Service forms.
    5. Attend a minimum of two meetings a month.
    6. In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings.

    Our club’s purpose is to develop student leadership abilities and opportunities for middle school students while serving others.

    The goal of our club is . . .
    • To provide opportunities for working together in service to school and community  
    • To develop leadership potential 
    • To foster development of a strong moral character 
    • To encourage loyalty to school, community, and nation.
    • Students earning 35 hours of service within the school year are awarded a Kiwanis Club/Builder’s Club service pin. 

    Thursday mornings at 7:25am 
    Room 326

  • Butterfly Club

    This club offers multiple opportunities to better the environment and allows students to be a part of something bigger. Our club exists to encourage environmentally friendly habits! In an effort to encourage the school and community to be environmentally friendly, members can tend to an on-site butterfly garden, or travel around the valley to help the National Parks and recreational areas near Las Vegas maintain beauty and conserve resources.
    In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings.  An officer will be appointed to track attendance. Meetings will discuss the status of the garden, assign any tasks or responsibilities, such as weeding or seed collecting, to a member or group of members, and will discuss upcoming service opportunities including our Earth Day Activities. 

    Members can run for the office positions of president (calls meetings), secretary (tracks attendance), researcher (finds and notifies other member of service opportunities), and more if needed. Members of this club are expected to complete ten hours of service each academic school year through events that directly help the National Parks and recreational areas. If this standard is not met, these members will not be able to run for office.
    Our club’s purpose is to volunteer specifically with environmental organizations to get more Faith Lutheran students involved in keeping the environment organic and clean all while receiving service hours.
    On campus our focus is to maintain the garden, grow milkweed to promote the Monarch butterfly population and maintaining and rotating the garden art sculptures.
    The goal of our club is to help rebound the monarch butterfly population and to plant the seed of interest in students’ minds about their community.
    Wednesday's after school in Room 316 from 3:10 - 4:30 pm
    Faculty Advisor: Mrs. September Wilson
    Faculty Advisor:  Mrs. Bridget Laswell 
  • Card Club

    Do you want to come and hang out and play card games? We will play everything from Poker to Uno to Go Fish to Rummy and any other game we can think of. No need to know the rules, we will learn together! All 6th-8th graders welcome! We will meet Wednesdays from 3:20-4:00 in the counseling waiting room.

    ADVISOR:  Mrs. Burns
  • Charity of the Month Program

    As a charitable organization ourself, Faith Lutheran believes it to be a part of our core values to teach and encourage cheerful giving vs obligatory giving. Each year, we will publish and provide to our stakeholders the academic year’s Calendar of Giving. Although we encourage sacrificial giving and would desire participation in all fundraisers & collections, it is at the discretion of the members of the Faith Family to determine which programs/charities in which they will participate.

    This plan has been created to have our charitable giving initiated and driven at the student level. Students leading these initiatives work together with the HS Student Leadership Charity Chair and are mentored by the Director of Student Life. In a continuing effort to encourage strong values of philanthropy and community involvement among a wider group of students, a committee of student representatives from each school will be appointed and selected each academic year that will receive school-wide support. Both schools (MS & HS) will support the same charity, unless otherwise indicated.

    If a student has an interest in being a committee member and host a charity drive, the student must complete an application, make presentations to the MS & HS student selection committee, and be appointed. Applications for consideration will be received for a 1-month period and presentations by students are made to the selection committee in April or May to be appointed for the following school years Charitable Giving Plan. 

    If a student has any interest or questions about the Charity of the Month program, please stop by the office of student life or contact Mrs. Buuck at

    The 2023-24 academic year Charitable Giving Plan includes: 
    • Aug 8 - Aug 30, 2024: Poppy Foundation hosted by Samantha Huynh & Joanne Yoo 
    • Sept 2 - Sept 30, 2024: Hope Means Nevada, hosted by Grace Netski
    • Oct 1 - Oct 31, 2024: Ronald McDonald House, hosted by Malika McMoore & Skylar Gass
    • Nov 4 - Dec 6, 2024: Three Square, hosted by Alex Silver & Ella Rees
    • Jan 27 - Feb 28, 2025: Hearts for Jesus / Pacific SW District Project, hosted by High School Student Leadership & Middle School House Leadership
    • Mar 3 - Apr 4, 2025: St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, hosted by Key Club
    • Apr 7 - May 2, 2025: Grant a Gift Autism Foundation, hosted by Isabelle Alabi & Landon Gonzales 
  • Cheer HS

  • Cheer MS

  • Chess Club

    Currently Inactive
    Chess Club will meet to talk about varying tactics, openings, historic matches, and strategies of chess to culminate a love and interest for the game. We will hold tournaments at Faith Lutheran and aim to bring some of our top players to the North American Open Tournament for Chess (December).
    Members of this club/activity are expected to show up to chess club at least once a week and act respectfully to each other in order to make the most out of how much time we will have meeting together in the club.  In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance will be taken at all meetings.
    Our club’s purpose and goal is to create an environment for students interested or curious about chess to explore the game and progress their knowledge of it. Chess club will not be a high maintenance club and will have flexible membership, allowing anybody interested to stop by and try it out.
    FACULTY ADVISOR: Currently looking for advisor 

  • Choral

    Choral Program at Faith Lutheran
    offers several choirs designed for beginners to the advanced student in their continuing study of music using the voice as the primary instrument through a sequenced study of voice, music theory, and the application of music reading skills. A variety of sacred and secular music will be performed during our four major concert/performances, adjudications.

    • Students will develop vocal skills, music knowledge, and attitudes through a variety of sacred and secular music.
    • Students will understand and explain the vocal mechanism.
    • Students will develop and use correct singing posture and breathing skills.
    • Students will demonstrate good vocal tone.
    • Students will develop proper diction.
    • The student will perform vocal music as a member of the choir and also have opportunities to perform solos and in small ensembles.
    • Students will gain knowledge and understanding of historical and cultural content in music and other arts.
    • Through singing, the student will grow in their love for God, one another, and the art of music.
    Treble Chorus - 6th grade elective option. 6th grade Choir is a music course designed to offer the student an opportunity to study music using the voice as the primary instrument. Students will also experience music performance using handchimes and other percussion instruments.

    MS Choir - MS elective option. Treble Chorus is a performance class open to all seventh and eighth grade girls and boys who enjoy singing. This full-year music course emphasizes performance, voice building, and music reading in the context of an ensemble. It also includes basic music theory, note reading, rhythm and counting skills, and knowledge of musical terms and symbols. Students are given the opportunity to compete in Regional Solo and Ensemble Festival, perform at school concerts, and participate in a music festival in California at the end of the year.

    Vocal Ensemble -  HS year long elective. Choir is a music course designed to offer students an opportunity to study music using the voice as the primary instrument. Students will study vocal production and music fundamentals. Four major concert performances are given during the year.

    Honors Show Choir (REVELATION) - HS year long elective. REVELATION is an auditioned music course designed to challenge the advanced student in their continuing study of music using the voice as the primary instrument. Students learn how to dance and sing simultaneously. Students in REVELATION will perform at the major concert performances, plus extra-curricular performances and choir tour. 

    Honors Chamber Singers - HS year long elective. Chamber Singers is an auditioned music course designed to challenge the advanced student in their continuing study of music using the voice as the primary instrument through a sequenced study of voice, music theory, and the application of music reading skills. A variety of sacred and secular music will be performed during our four major concert performances, adjudications, and a spring tour. Students are required to study voice in private lessons outside of the classroom and are encouraged to participate in the Clark County Solo/Ensemble Festival (Vocal Conservatory students required to participate in Solo/Ensemble). 

    DIRECTOR: Mrs. Alexandra Cohen 
  • Color Guard

    ADVISOR: Allison Thibault

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Dan Zeigner.
  • Computer Science Tutoring

    Computer Science Honor Society (CSHS) is an organization for students who excel in computer science to join together, recognize their abilities, and to serve others with their talents. The members run a tutoring service after school Tuesdays & Thursdays for all students, middle school or high school, who would like help in computer science. Members are also given the opportunity to help with STEM competitions and listen to speakers in various scientific fields, in partnership with the STEM academy. 
    As such, a member of CSHS is required to tutor at least 10 hours during the school year and are invited to participate in the other activities listed above. To be eligible for CSHS membership, students must have a cumulative unweighted GPA of at least 3.0 and have taken AP Computer Science Principles with a B or higher OR a cumulative unweighted GPA of at least 3.5 and have taken Computer Science Principles with a B or higher. 10th-12th graders are invited to join in August each year via the Daily Announcements.
    The purpose of the Computer Science Honor Society is to recognize achievement in the sciences for those accepted into the organization, as well as serving others with the members’ knowledge, passion, and gifts in computer science. Serving others would include a tutoring service for any student at Faith who needs help in computer science and participating in science related service projects in the community. 
    Tutoring takes place on campus from 2:45-3:45 pm on Tuesdays in Room 312 and Thursdays in Room 333. Members will receive notice from the Advisor for any meetings other than tutoring sessions.
    Faculty Advisor Mrs. Emily Blank
    Student Leader Heidi Blank '24 
  • Crusader Chronicle HS

    Student led high school newspaper. Students can write a variety of different stories all featured on the newspaper website, The Crusader Chronicle.

    Students stories can be submitted to different local journalism competitions such as the Annual High School Las Vegas Review Journal Competition. 

    ADVISOR: Candice Gravitt
  • Crusader CraZies HS

    This group is always forming . . .please contact Mrs. Buuck  or the student leaders listed below if you are interested in being a part of this fun group of students who love to support their peers!

    The Crusader craZies include every high school student at Faith Lutheran! The purpose of the craZies is to promote school spirit and camaraderie among the high school student body while supporting peers in their sports or other activities.

    An advisory board of students meets each Monday after school to plan. Planning includes: advertising of events; theme nights for games; competitions held during half-time of games; notification of special events; distribution of prizes to fans and participants; leadership of special fan cheers; coordination with pep band, cheer team and dance team captains. Students with varying gifts (creativity, marketing, writing, publishing, etc.) are needed and welcome to be a part of the Crusader craZies Advisory Board!

    Additionally, each year, it is our intent to knight a student who displays the utmost spirit, one who spurs others on to attend games, helps others to have fun while supporting their classmates, and generally tends to be the one keeping the crowd pumped up!

    Juliana Knurbein & Olive Carrillo

    Mrs. Buuck & Ms. Turner 
  • Crusader Lu Mascot

    The Office of Student Life is ALWAYS looking for a few more students to help with Crusader Lu as the demand for appearances is constantly growing.
    As a school mascot, your job is to wear a costume and perform various activities for the Office of Student Life, as well as any appearances for sports teams, pep rallies, and special events held by other offices on campus requesting Lu's attendance. (Admissions, Office of Advancement, Athletics, etc.)
    As a representative of Faith Lutheran you may be requested to attend community events as well, appearing at off-campus events within the City of Las Vegas.
    You may be asked to dance in front of a crowd, participate in games, pep rallies, alumni events, appear in photo opportunities with guests, appear at Faith Lutheran charitable, student life, and other functions as well as take part in public relations activities in the community as requested. 
    Some hours served can be applied to your Community Connect service hours. (Not eligible for tuition assistance hours.)

    Uninhibited personality with a costume on
    Between 5'5" - 6 feet tall - must be able to fit in costume :)
    Strong non-verbal communication skills
    Possession of physical strength and stamina, being a mascot can be physically demanding (especially in warmer weather)
    Flexible hours and assignments - shared duty with a team of students

    If you are interested in being on Lu's crew, please contact Mrs. Buuck at or Ms. Turner at via email or stop by the Office of Student Life in the Aux Gym, across from Room 502.
  • CrusaderStudentsCare!

    Crusaders really do care!
    “Philippians 2: Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus . . .”
    Members of this club/activity may be called upon to create, send or acquire cards, flowers/balloons, etc. and make deliveries / visits to classmates.  Members are expected to check in with Advisor on their designated day to keep updated on recent circumstances and needs.  Sensitivity and confidentiality are expected in all circumstances!  
    Our club’s purpose is to share compassion and care with our classmates through supportive messages, gifts, etc.  The goal of our club is to help each other feel uplifted, supported, loved and cared for as a part of the Faith Family.
    Where? Student Life office in the Aux gym
    When? As necessary     
    Mrs. Buuck & Ms. Turner

    Sophia Go (2025)
    Emily Tan (2025) 
  • Cupcake Club MS

    This club offers opportunities for students to foster creativity and develop baking skills through cupcakes. Students will have the chance to compete in each month’s cupcake decorating challenge.  Students will bring homemade cupcakes, frosting, and decorating supplies to competition meeting days. Faculty and staff members will  judge the competitions. Prizes and a certificate will be awarded to the winning teams.    
    Members of this club are expected to attend the competition meetings when his or her schedule allows. Academics and sports teams come first. Members will come to the meetings prepared and will follow the directions of the advisor while conducting themselves in a Christ like manner. In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings. 

    Our club’s purpose is to provide an outlet for students’ creativity through cupcake decorating. 
    The goal of our club is  to provide friendly competition in cupcake decorating challenges while members learn decorating and baking techniques.

    Where: Cafeteria teachers’ lounge for competitions.
    When: Monthly competitions in September, October, January, February, and April (dates vary depending on number of teams and my schedule, but members will have several weeks advance notice) We will have a special event in December as well.
    Time: Directly after school until approximately 5 pm. (varies with number of teams)

    Members will be charged $10 to cover club expenses and prizes. 

    Mrs. Amanda Stepanek

    Anderson Beck '29 
    Olivia Tuason '30 
  • Cyber Patriot MS

    In this club, students will learn topics such as reverse engineering, web exploitation, traffic analysis, and cryptography; as well as learn to defend computer systems and networks from cyberattacks in real-world scenarios. Beginners are welcome. 

    Team Meetings/Practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:05-5:40 in Room 221. 

    Teams will compete online from FLMHS. There are four competitions that are four hours long on each of these Saturday mornings. Exact times will be worked out closer to the dates:
    • 11/14-17/24
    • 12/912-15/24
    • 1/23-25/25
    Membership on this team includes additional costs for the use of the education software and competition fees. All of which will be assessed to students at the beginning of the team's season.

    More information:

    Or contact the faculty advisor: 
  • Cyber Patriot/Defense HS

    At the center of Cyber Patriot is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, created by the Air Force Association to inspire K-12 students toward careers in cybersecurity or STEM disciplines critical to our nation's future. The competition puts teams of high school and middle school students in the position of newly hired IT professionals tasked with managing the network of a small company. In the rounds of competition, teams are given a set of virtual images that represent operating systems and are tasked with finding cybersecurity vulnerabilities within the images and hardening the system while maintaining critical services. Teams compete for the top placement within their state and region before moving on to national competition.

    Students will dive into topics such as reverse engineering, web exploitation, traffic analysis, and cryptography; as well as learn to defend computer systems and networks from cyberattacks in real-world scenarios. Beginners are welcome!

    Our teams have achieved:
    • 1st place in State 8-9 Years in a row
    • Rank Top 1% nationwide
    • 2020 and 2023 National Finalist
    Competitions Include: Cyber Patriot, PicoCTF, National Cyber League, Trace Labs, TryHackMe
    This course meets every Thursday from 6-7:30 and every Friday from 3-4:30 pm. The course begins August 17th. Students receive a 1/2 credit for this class. 

    There is an additional fee for this course if the student is already taking 8 courses at Faith Lutheran.

    For a glimpse:

    Mr. Steve Morrill
  • Dance HS

  • Dance MS

    For information, please contact: Coach Kim Leheny
  • Debate Club

    This club offers opportunities for students to discuss and debate on different topics once a month. It also offers students the ability to discuss current events, pop culture, and other topics they might be interested in. In this club, students have the opportunity to interact with their peers while also working to improve their speaking skills, presence, and research methods. Members also have the opportunity to connect with other students based on their interests, beliefs, and ideas on each topic. 

    Members of this club are expected to attend once a month, on the last Wednesday of the month. At the beginning of the month, an email will be sent out to club members giving the six different topics for that month's meeting. If members are unable to attend that month's meeting, they are expected to let one of the student leaders know. Members are expected to prepare a small amount of research or prepare their position on all six topics before the meeting on the last Wednesday of the month. Members are also expected to be welcoming, accepting, and open to all views or positions taken in the debate and are expected to facilitate a safe and welcoming environment for all. Also, as it is a debate club, members are expected to participate in discussions during the meeting, even if they are not actively in the debate. 

    Our club’s purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to debate different topics with their peers in a safe environment. Another purpose of the club is to promote student involvement and discussion in current events and improve their ability to convey their beliefs/opinions in an understanding way, backed with research. 
    The goal of our club is to facilitate a safe and fun environment for students to express their opinions, debate with their peers, and improve their speaking skills on both a range of different topics. Another goal of our club is to help students connect with one another and work on skills that help in an academic setting in a fun, interactive way. 

    Where? Room 121
    When? The last Wednesday of every month from 3:15 - 4pm.


    DESCRIPTION: Faith Lutheran's DECA chapter gives students the opportunity to compete in business competitions with other High School students around the globe.
    DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

    If you are interested in knowing more, please contact Mr. Connolly, DECA Advisor, at

    If you want more information on DECA, please visit
  • Dots & Squares Club

    This group is currently inactive & is in need of a Faculty Advisor.

    Dots and Squares club exists for any middle schooler to come, have fun and play bingo after school with new and old friends. Snacks and food will be provided, but members are welcome to bring snacks to share if they want. The more the merrier! Students do not need to bring any game materials; it will all be provided for them at each meeting.
    Members of this club are expected to be kind and respectful during games in winning AND losing. Club leaders will briefly review the rules of bingo and expectations at the beginning of each meeting. If members are disrespectful or dishonest, they will be dismissed from the meeting immediately. In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings. 

    Disclaimer: Members that participate and attend are not guaranteed to win a prize during bingo. Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate, however, not everyone will walk away from the meeting having won a prize. Additionally, members can only win up to two prizes in one meeting. Members can win again at a different meeting on a different day. Members can still participate in bingo after winning twice, but cannot take home a third prize.

    Our club’s purpose is to provide an enjoyable, stress free, and fun time for students to play bingo and get their minds off homework for a short time! It’s also a place for students to hang out with old friends and make new ones.
    Faculty Advisor: 
    Student Leaders: 
  • Drama / Musical HS

    2024-25 Shows
    High School Spotlight Production: 
                          Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
                            Nevada State Premiere. High School Edition - By Jack Thorne. Based on an original story by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany & Jack Thorne 
    Shows: November 1 - 10, 2024

    High School Conservatory Studio Musical:
    Hadestown - Teen Edition  
                              Music, Lyrics, and Book by Anais Mitchell 
    Shows: January 31 - February 9, 2025 

    High School Mainstage Musical:
                              High School Edition - Music, Lyrics, and Book by Jim Jacobs, Warren Casey, & John Farrar

    For more information, please contact:

    Mr. Erik Ball or Mr. Christian Escobar 
  • Drama / Musical MS

    Welcome Middle School Crusader Thespians!

    Faith Lutheran Middle School offers (2) TWO extra-curricular opportunities to participate in theatrical arts to students. These productions are produced after school, outside of class.

    While from year-to-year, the structure of the extra-curricular theatre season may change to suit the demands of the program, traditionally, middle school students may audition for a fall play and a spring musical. (And occasionally, based on demand, there are choice technical crew positions afforded to middle school students, at the discretion of the director.)

    *This is NOT a club - productions and audition information for each show comes out 1 month before the auditions. Check the daily announcements and school calendar for show dates and audition information. 

    2024-25 Shows

    Middle School Spotlight Production: 
                                The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe
                                 Dramatized by Joseph Robinette. From the Story by C.S. Lewis 
    Shows: September 27 - 29, 2024

    Middle School Mainstage Musical:
                               Seussical The Musical 
                               Music, Lyrics & Book by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty. Based on the children's stories of Dr. Seuss.

    For more information, please contact:
  • E-Sports Club

     E-Sports club offers opportunities for students to come together and practice their favorite video game to compete. We are planning on running it like an actual sports team where we practice as a team and set up strategies in order to have the best success possible. We want Faith bringing home the gold in every activity, so we want to be ahead of everyone else in the race for virtual success. 

    Members of this club/activity are expected to come to practices on Monday and Friday as well as log hours at home. We expect all members of the team to treat each other with respect and will represent Faith Lutheran at event honorably. In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance will be taken at all meetings.

                Our club’s purpose is to create a fun and organized environment for our school and other participating schools to compete in E-Sports (competitive video games). We want Faith Lutheran to be ahead of the other schools when it comes to competing in video games.
    The goal of our club is to provide our students with a chance to learn teamwork and how to work in a strategic environment alongside teammates. Though we will assign coaches to each team, we want the players to share their own ideas and strategies.

    Where: Room 219 
    When: Check student opportunity calendar for game days and times! 
    FACULTY ADVISOR:  Mr. Herbie Walker 
    STUDENT LEADER:  Kylee Ravenell
  • Echo Family Leadership

    This special school ministry offers student leaders the opportunity to guide small group discussions, activities, and fun games, all geared towards cultivating relationships with each other, growing as individuals, and learning more about Jesus. While all students will participate in an ECHO Family, participation as a leader of ECHO Families is by application only, and membership is not guaranteed. Within that application, ECHO Family leaders promise to be committed to this ministry as well as to live in a way that is pleasing to God. 
    Echo Family Leaders are expected to attend weekly training during advisory on Mondays in the Arena. They are also charged with leading the weekly meeting for their assigned ECHO Family.  Once Echo Families have been established in the new academic year and initial training is complete, leaders (and the rest of the student body) will attend their family meetings on Fridays.
    COORDINATOR:  Mrs. Jen Klemm
  • Faith 4 Life


    In Faith4Life we affirm life's value from fertilization to the end of life, at Faith Lutheran and in our community because all people are created, redeemed, and called for life. This club offers members the opportunity to provide biblical based support to others through learning more about God’s word and giving back through creativity and volunteering. 

    Members of this club are expected to be present, respectful, and participatory in the meetings as well as encouraged to attend outside events hosted by Faith4Life. Each meeting can bring a new topic and activity while centered around a main goal for the semester/ quarter, and as a result positivity and flexibility in the differing activities is necessary. 

    Our club’s purpose is to affirm life and show the importance of humans because everyone was created in the image of God and with inherent value.  Through tackling differing issues such as homelessness, trafficking, mental health, divorce, abortion, and many more, this group's goal is to be a gospel motivated influence at Faith Lutheran as well as in the community. We plan to achieve this goal through having a firm foundation in God’s Word first. Through this firm foundation, we can be engaged in celebrations of life, devotions, prayers, learning from speakers, and volunteering. 

    Where? Room 67
    When? Thursdays at 3:00  

    Student Leader:  Emma Schumacher '26
  • Faith Fanatics

    Faith Fanatics is a middle school spirit club! We are looking for student leaders, who are passionate about school culture and spreading school spirit and having a willingness to support your peers! 

    We meet Thursday's from 3:20 - 4:00 pm in Room 502. 

    If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mrs. Julie Buuck or Ms. Shae Turner. 
  • Faith's Microbank HS

    A MicroBank’s primary goal is to help developing businesses in third-world countries by extending them small business loans at zero interest through the Kiva micro-finance institution.
    Additionally, a secondary goal for students on the panel of Faith's MicroBank is to learn more about finance and banking by participating in loaning funds to help others become successful businessmen and businesswomen in their environment.

    Meetings held every Wednesday at 6pm in Room 225.

    For more information, please contact Mr. Connolly at
  • FBLA - Future Business Leaders of America

    This club/activity offers opportunities . . .  For students who want to develop positive leadership skills, creating an understanding of American business enterprises, and competing in various business events.  

    Members of this club/activity are expected to select business events to compete in on a state level.  Students need to attend at least 2 meetings per month.  FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) will meet every Tuesday from 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.  

    The purpose/goals of FBLA are to…
    - develop competent, business leadership
    - strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work
    - create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise
    - encourage and practice efficient money management
    - compete in state competitions
    - Introduction for High School DECA

    Where: Room 503
    When: Every Tuesday from 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

    Faculty Adviser:   Mrs. C. Burns
  • FIDM Fashion HS

    This club is currently inactive; looking for student leadership/faculty advisor.

    This club offers opportunities for students who are interested in any of the different avenues of fashion such as merchandising, marketing, drawing, designing, and more. In this club, we will work with all of the different students interested to learn and practice different activities each meeting. These activities can vary from creating a fashion mood board, comparing and contrasting fashion magazine covers over the years, and even learning how to sew on patches onto clothing items. Every meeting we will have a new “mini” project to do, or a discussion topic to talk about. Along with that, every meeting will start with a very brief informational “lesson” informing members about the different opportunities available to them in fashion whether it is scholarships, workshops, zoom meetings, or college tours.

    Members of this club are expected to participate in all discussions, presentations, lessons, and projects. Members are also expected to come to the majority of meetings. As representatives of Faith Lutheran culture, members are to act in a respectful and kind way both inside and outside of school. In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings.
    Our club’s purpose is to help inspire and teach members about all the different avenues in fashion, and various things they can do with their interest in fashion. Moreover, we will explore such as big fashion brands, how to market a line of fashion, how to draw a sketch of a clothing item, and more. 


    The goal of our club is to generate student leadership, and have students lead certain parts of our meeting. For example, if a member has a strong drawing capability, we would ask them to lead something like a dress drawing workshop. 

    Room 104 on specified Wednesdays from 3:20-4:20 pm! Student Leader: Currently looking for leadership Faculty Advisor:  Currently looking for leadership
  • Film Club

    Every seemingly meaningless detail in every frame of a film is there for a purpose. From the emotion and lines of a character to the placement of a cup of coffee on a table. In film club, we will look at these details, big and small, in movies and cinema, and learn the art of cinematography. We will explore how filmmakers use lighting, setting, colors, clothing, types of cameras and filters, and special effects to set a mood or tell a story.
    We will meet after school, and the meetings will be the length of the film we watch, otherwise they would be about an hour long. Members can request their favorite movie to be analyzed. We will be open to any suggestion a student has, and their input is encouraged.


    1. Learn about filmmaking techniques and equipment
    2. Learn how certain aspects of a scene can portray a mood or tell a story
    3. Watch videos about film theory 
    4. Analyze details
    5. Appreciate the art of filmmaking!

    Meeting Layout

    The club meetings will be every Thursday after school at 3:00 pm. We will provide popcorn for everyone to munch on during the movies. Students are welcome to bring their own snacks to share with the group. For each movie we go through, we will spend two meetings, spending two weeks per each movie. The first week, we will watch the movie all the way through, and discuss our initial thoughts on themes and details that stood out to each person. The second week, we will go more in depth on the specific methods used, and analyze what the filmmakers were trying to convey through the film.
    Members do not have to attend weekly meetings, they can come simply to watch and eat snacks, but the second week is for those who want to go more into the meaning and discuss our thoughts. 

    Where: Room 118
    When: Every Thursday 3:00-4:30 pm 

    Faculty Advisor: Mr. Bagnara 
    Student Leadership: Joseph Amen '25

  • Flight Club

    This club offers students hands-on experience in the aviation industry through the use of the Redbird simulators. This club will help students connect with other students with similar interests in aviation and broaden their horizon for their future. This club will include field trips and have on-campus club meetings which will include outside speakers.  The club will also actively participate in service to others through aviation specific service and activities.   

    EXPECTATIONS: Members of this club are expected to maintain continuous involvement in the Faith Lutheran Flight Club by actively participating in activities and meetings  offered by the club. 

    The goal of the Flight Club is to extend students’ learning about aviation outside of the classroom, to provide connections to aviation professionals, spark a lifelong interest in aviation, and to serve together in aviation related nonprofits. 

    This club is required for all students who are seeking the Flight Academy endorsement on their transcripts.

    Wednesdays 2:50pm - 4:00pm, in the library
    Faculty Leader- Mrs. Bianca Lorenz 
  • FLNN Faith Lutheran News Network

    The Faith Lutheran News Network is a student led weekly broadcast. Students will learn the process of producing a real-life news and sports broadcast. 
    The broadcast is LIVE every Friday at 11 AM, and can be accessed at the school news website, The Crusader Chronicle.

    FACULTY ADVISOR: Mrs. Candice Gravitt 
  • French Club

    This club offers opportunities to explore and learn more about the French language and culture through fun games, music, discussions, movies, cultural activities and more. Students from all levels of fluency will have the opportunity to increase their proficiency in the language while learning more about what makes French culture so fun! 

    Members of this club are expected to come to twice-monthly meetings with a willingness to learn and actively participate to create a fun and engaging environment. Members are also expected to be respectful towards others and in regard to cultural differences. 

    Our club’s purpose is to learn more about the French language and culture and increase the fluency of members. 
    The goal of our club is provide members with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the French language and culture and provide a comfortable and fun environment for them to practice their speaking skills. 
    The plan to achieve the purpose & goals is to have fun activities prepared that practice the language and encourage proficiency as well as enrich members’ understanding of French culture. 

    Where: Room 56 
    When: Every Maroon Friday during HS lunch 

    Jessica Mineo -
    Mr. Huddlestone -
  • Green Thumb Club

    The Green Thumb Club is a middle school and high school club that meets weekly after school.  
    Plant:  Members plant and propagate their own plants to take home while maintaining the basic function and appearance of the greenhouse.   
    Produce: Members harvest and process lettuce donations for Catholic Charities.
    Prosper: Members set up and run the big sales throughout the year, including the Back to School Night Sale, Grandparents Day Sale and the Spring Sale during the Mark 10:14 BBQ.  Before and after school each day, they take turns delivering and returning produce and plants to and from the front office for display and sale. 100% of all sales from the greenhouse support the Mark 10:14 program. 
    In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings.  Members of this club/activity are expected to attend meetings and participate in morning/after school plant deliveries to the front office.  Morning/after school deliveries are on a rotation schedule amongst all members.  Members are also expected to attend the annual plant sales, Back to School Night Sale, Grandparents Day Sale and the Spring Sale during the Mark 10:14 BBQ.  Prior experience is not required for any members, but members should be interested in botany, greenhouse production, growing produce for the community, or learning valuable skills in serving others.  
    Our club’s purpose is to provide a place where students can develop, build, grow, problem solve and share projects with each other and the community.
    The goal of our club is to develop responsible young adults who see the value in the daily routine and procedure required to quietly serve their community in very practical ways.
    When: Wednesday after school (3:00pm-4:00pm), Annual Sales (Dates TBD)
    Student Leader: 
    Faculty Advisors: Stephen Blank, Jon Orr
  • Handbells

    This music activity offers opportunities for students in grades 6-8 to participate in a musical ensemble in which they will gain team-building skills and music skills.

    Members of this ensemble are expected to arrive on time each week, help in setting up bells, and having a positive attitude in rehearsals. Attendance is taken at all meetings.   


    The purpose of Middle School Handbells is to create an opportunity where students can learn music and teamwork in a social environment.
    The goal of Middle School Handbells is to grow in appreciation and skills in a variety of styles of music and to share our music with others through performances in concerts and community events.
    Where: Room 201
    When: Gold days from 7:00-7:40 AM (except on Tuesdays) 

      Dr. Marci Nuoffer
  • Hope & Care Club

    This club supports an already established nonprofit organization called Hope and Care Outreach, based in Las Vegas, NV. Students are able to engage in leadership, organizational skills, and community as they not only become aware about the adversities that many people face in other countries, but also to learn how to help and make a difference. One of the most important things we will do is to create relationships with the orphans and students attending Lutheran Schools in Liberia through various projects.

    Members of this club are expected to attend monthly meetings and participate in various activities. For example, Hope and Care Outreach hosts an annual fundraiser in September - Love Never Fails, as well as a 5K Walk/Run in April, so club members were expected to help plan, participate and serve at these events.  Meetings will allow for members to bring their ideas to light so that decisions on projects can be made as a group.

    The goal of our club is to support Hope and Care Outreach, while creating awareness of the way of life in Liberia and empowering  students to use their gifts to make a difference in the world. This club will allow students to explore leadership skills, create relationships with citizens of Liberia, provide support to the US organization, and organize various projects and events.. In addition to providing support for the orphans, families, students of Lutheran schools and the Evangelical Lutheran Church - Liberia Synod, this club will give Faith students broader knowledge of life lived on the other side of the world. 

    When: Various Mondays, once a month (Check the Crusader Connect calendar for more information) 
    Where: Room 502

    Ruby Mueller, Student Leader 
    Mrs. Buuck, Advisor
  • International Robotics Honor Society

    For information, please contact Mr. Dan Kober.
  • International Student Association

    The International Student Association works to provide social and cultural outings, experiences, and activities for both our international student population, as well as domestic (American) students who are interested in learning about other cultures. 

    Activities might include sampling foods from another country, attending a movie night for a new film that was released, hiking at Red Rock Canyon, celebrating the Lunar New Year with a group potluck supper, or learning how to make your own boba milk tea. 

    Events are facilitated by Mr. Klenz, our International Student Director, and our International Representative(s) on the High School Student Council. 

    Events are open to all High School students, and any international Middle School student.  All students enrolled at Faith Lutheran through the International program are automatically enrolled in this club. 

    Questions or event ideas? 
    Contact Mr. Klenz at , Faculty Advisor 
    Sophia Lin ( and Danny Jung (, Student Advisors 
  • International Thespian Society HS

    International Thespian Society: Troupe #6756

    This High School Honor Society for Theatrical Arts is open to all 9-12 grade High School students who participate in theatrical productions at Faith, both as members on a tech crew or performing on stage. Students become members by collecting points throughout the school year by participating in various performance related opportunities. The I.T.S. participates in community service, yearly field trips to see professional theatrical productions, and attend workshops. There are officer positions available. The Honor Society holds meetings twice a month in the drama room.

    I.T.S. Members have the opportunity to audition for scholarships for college and attend workshops and state and nation wide conferences. All I.T.S. members are recognized at graduation with an honors chord.
    PRESIDENT: Giana Forte '25
    FACULTY ADVISOR: Mrs. Isabella Keck

  • Journalism Club HS

    The High School Journalism Club offers opportunities for students who are interested in, or have been a part of journalism or broadcasting prior, and would like to be involved in creating content whether that be photography, writing, or videography after school in a fun, club environment.

    Members of this club are expected to contribute, and write an article for the Crusader Chronicle. Be nice and respectful when other people are talking, and be kind to their ideas (There are no bad ideas!). Attend at least one meeting a month to the best of your abilities.
    Follow all school rules and act in accordance with the school handbook.

    Our club’s purpose is to provide an atmosphere of creativity for journalists, and provide a safe environment for everyone to create and think freely.
    The goal of our club is create content for the Crusader Chronicle and get more students involved after school who might not have been able to fit broadcast journalism in their schedule during the school day.

    Where? Room 332 
    When? Every 1st & 3rd Monday of the month from 3:00-4:00 pm

    Student Leader:  
    Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Candice Gravitt
  • Just One Project Club

    The Just One Project is Nevada’s largest mobile food pantry with over 10 locations that provide over 12,000 individuals with fresh groceries every month. The Just One Project offers a unique hands-on experience for Faith Lutheran students to connect with the community through distributing food to low income families. The Pop up & Give program is The Just One Project’s mobile community marketplace with multiple locations around Southern Nevada. The Pop Ups occur once a month and run from 8:00am to 10:30.
    Members of this club/activity are expected to attend our informational meetings leading up to each Pop Up & Give service event.  Members are also required to attend at least two Pop Up & Give per quarter.  To attend a Pop Up & Give event, students must officially sign up on The Just One Project website as space is limited for each of these events. 
    Our club’s purpose is to mobilize volunteers at Faith Lutheran who have a heart for building a stronger and healthier community. The Just One Project here at Faith Lutheran values establishing a personal connection with members in the community while humbly serving back and making a difference.
    Campus Meetings will be held in Portable 67 the Wednesday before our service date.

    Dates, times, and locations will be announced at the meetings before service. 

    Dr. Chapman, Faculty Advisor
  • Kenya Project Club

    Faith Lutheran is currently re-evaluating our program with World Vision and therefore the club is currently inactive.

    This club offers opportunities for students to manage and run The Kenya Project, and all of the activities it entails. Students will help raise money for our high school advisories' sponsored children (and the communities they live in). Students will take part in making personal connections between students at Faith and students we sponsor in Kenya, and plan all activities, events, and fundraisers. The Kenya Project club is a club dedicated to serving and loving our communities in Kenya, while spreading the message of loving another as your neighbor locally, and learning how to serve God and others in future careers.
    Members of this club/activity are expected to participate in the following aspects of the club: advisory activity planning, fundraising, Social Innovation Challenges, and planning and participating in the Spring 6K Global Walk for Water. 
    Our club’s purpose is to reach our hands globally to Kenya, while spreading the word of God and helping one another locally.
    The goal of our club is to allow students to experience life outside of their comfort zone, understand life/poverty in a developing country more, serve to better our communities in Kenya, and learn more about the workings or possible careers in NGOs. 
    When (day and time)? Once per month during advisory (email reminders are sent out)
    CLUB FEE: $0
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  • Key Club

    Key Club meets once a week on Wednesdays. The executive officers also meet every Tuesday. 

    Grades Eligible - 9th - 12th

    Key Club is a service organization affiliated with Kiwanis Club International. Students are involved in a variety of service projects throughout the year. We do various projects during our meeting time, sometimes it's also just informational meetings about upcoming service projects and sign ups.  We've been involved with volunteering at:

    - Light the Night and Breast Cancer walks
    - Barn Buddies Rescue
    - Horses4Heroes
    - Best Buddies for people with special needs
    - United Way
    - Project4Humanity homeless outreach
    - Lymphoma and Leukemia Foundation
    - Blue Star Mothers Christmas cards for deployed military
    - various Veterans associations
    - elderly and retirement communities
    - and much more!
    It is $50 for dues which are billed to your student account. You are expected to complete at least 50 service hours during the year.

    Meetings are held during HS lunch to allow all students the opportunity to participate in this international organization.

    OFFICERS 2023-24:
    President: Grace Netski '25 
    Co-Vice Presidents: Isabelle Alabi '25 & Jackson Bentham '25 
    Secretary: Landon Gonzales '25 
    Treasurer: Kallista Tindall '24 

  • Lego Club

    Lego Club meetings are Tuesday's after school. Come have fun building with legos. 

    Where: Room 502 
    When: Tuesday's 3:30 - 4:30 

    FACULTY ADVISOR: Mr. Dan Buikema 
    STUDENT ADVISOR: Brynn Marmor '25 
    STUDENT LEADER: Brady Rael '28 
  • Mark 10:14 Mentors

    Mark 10:14 Mentors work with students who have intellectual disabilities, to provide tutoring and assistance in their classes. Mark 10:14 Mentoring is available to students in 8th-12th grade as an elective class. Students must select this class as an elective when planning their schedules for the following school year. Enrollment in this course is then determined by the Mark 10:14 teachers and staff after completion of an application and interview process. 

    The goal of Mark 10:14 Mentors is to help students with intellectual disabilities be fully included members of our school. Beyond providing assistance in class, mentors serve as ambassadors, allies, and role models for the Mark 10:14 students, helping them form relationships and connections within the Faith Lutheran community. 

    Mark 10:14 Mentors are expected to attend class with their assigned student, completing observation forms and providing assistance as needed. Mentors also work with their student(s) to practice reading, writing, math, and social skills under the supervision of the Mark 10:14 teacher. 

    Mark 10:14 Mentoring is an elective class filling one block of the mentor’s schedule. Attendance is required. Training meetings are held prior to the beginning of the school year, and during the advisory period. 
  • Master Act

    Summer theatre camp for 6th - 12th grade. No previous acting experience needed. The camp will include workshops and a mini-musical competition led by industry professionals. 

    Only 100 Spots Available! Mark your calendars! 
    Enrollment Applications will be available in DECEMBER. 

    Questions? Email Mr. Ball 
  • Mathcounts

    MATHCOUNTS offers opportunities for students who have a talent and passion for math and want to be challenged. Students will engage in exciting, "bee-style" contests in which they will compete against and alongside other bright, motivated students. Students enrolled in the sixth, seventh, or eighth grade are eligible to participate in the MATHCOUNTS Competition Series.

    Members of MATHCOUNTS are expected to attend all meetings, behave in a manner consistent with Faith Lutheran rules, policies, and procedures, participate appropriately during MATHCOUNTS class time, and do all classwork as well as homework to the best of their ability. In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings.

    Our club’s purpose is to foster a greater appreciation for mathematics while giving the students the tools to solve math problems faster. The goal of our club is to take the top eight performing students to a CHAPTER competition and do well.
    Where: Room 327
    When: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 – 5:00 PM,
    First meeting: September 5, 2023

    FACULTY ADVISOR: Kenton Kirkpatrick
  • Missions 2024-25

    Your life is a gift. You have been created and uniquely gifted to serve others in Jesus’ name.  You are not only a blessing to Faith Lutheran, but you were chosen to be a blessing to all throughout your journey. Faith Lutheran is passionate about encouraging students to serve others and make an impact for Christ.  Our prayer is that you would see Jesus and come to know Him in the most personal way as you serve on the mission field through short-term missions. 

    Mexico Missions - Baja Bound

    Each year, a group of students and faculty head to the agricultural areas surrounding Ensenada, Mexico to serve the community.  Members of the mission teams will serve through orphanages, food programs, Bible lessons, craft projects and the building of homes. 

    Baja Missions Calendar:

    Info meeting for both Baja trips:  August 19, 2024, 7pm in the CPAC - Parents & Students required to attend if it will be your first trip with Faith to Baja.

    Fall Baja trip: 
    Sem 1/November Trip: 
    November 14, 2024 - leave after school, arrive in Chula Vista at 9-10pm 
    Nov 15 - Nov 18 - building days in Maneadero, Baja, Mexico
    Nov 19 - depart Ensenada, return back to LV at night

    Spring Baja trip:
    Sem 2/February Trip: 
    February 13, 2025 - leave after school, arrive in Chula Vista at 9-10pm
    February 14 -17, 2025 - building days in Maneadero, Baja, Mexico
    February 18, 2025 - depart Ensenada, return back to LV at night

    This document contains additional important details regarding your commitment to being on a Baja Missions Team.
    For questions not answered via the above document, please contact:
    Mrs. Buuck

    Los Angeles Mission:
    Since 2016, students and faculty of Faith Lutheran have been serving non-profit organizations in the San Fernando Valley. Some of the organizations include Hope the Mission, Casa Esperanza - Blythe Street, and Children’s Hunger Fund. 

    Informaional Meeting for LA Trip:  
    Sunday, October 13, 2024 at 2 p.m. in the Library

    Los Angeles Mission Dates:
    Sem 2/January Trip
    Jan 29, 2025 - leave Faith Lutheran in the morning
    Jan 29, 2025 (afternoon) - Feb 1, 2025 (morning) - on the mission field
    Feb 1, 2025 - depart and return to Faith Lutheran

    For additional information, please contact: Mr. Heupel 

    Read More
  • Missions Advocacy Team

    This team is for students who are passionate about getting other students involved in Missions locally, regionally, nationally, and on a global level. We help connect students with upcoming trips and create publicity for the trips. We also help the students share their experiences after they return from a trip. Each year we try to provide a variety of mission opportunities.

    Faculty Advisor:
    Julie Buuck 

    Looking for student leadership. 
  • Mock Trial HS

    Mock trial is used as a vehicle for equipping students with the skills that will set them apart from their peers and enable them to succeed in any future career path.
    Participants must use legal theory and analytical reasoning to develop complex fact patterns into coherent cases. At the same time, students develop critical thinking skills while arguing procedural rules and examining witnesses; they also acquire public speaking abilities when delivering compelling opening and closing statements and engaging witness portrayals.
    Members of the Mock Trial are expected to make all scheduled practices, learn their parts and all the technical competition aspects.  Members are asked to compete to the best of their ability and represent Faith Lutheran in the best light possible.  
    Our club’s purpose is to learn about the legal system in a competitive manner. The goal of our club is  to produce excellent advocates.
    Where: Room 117 - The Court Room
    When: Monday 3-5 pm, Tuesday 3-6 pm, Saturday 11-1 pm
  • Mock Trial MS

    Are you interested in joining the Middle School Mock Trial and learning about the justice system? MS Mock Trial is open to all middle school students (6th, 7th, and 8th graders), whether you are brand new to the competition or you have attended previously. This competition is meant to be engaging, informative, and mind opening. All the coaches for the competition will be high school students with experience in mock trial. They will guide you through practices, deciphering the case, preparing the case, and presenting at competition. 

    Practices will be held on campus on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 3:30 - 5:00 PM from November 7- 29, 2023. (There is no practice the week of Thanksgiving) The competition is held on December 2, 2023 from 7:45 AM - 4:00 PM. 

    Registration opens on Crusader Connect on October 9 and will close after the first 80 spots are full or by October 18th. The cost is $100 per student (includes snacks, lunch on the Competition Day, and competition materials).

    Mr. Paquette
  • Model UN

    What is Model United Nations?
    Model United Nations (MUN) is an academic simulation of the actual United Nations. The FLHS MUN Team provides students the opportunity to learn about and debate global issues, improve their critical thinking and public speaking skills, better understand and practice diplomacy, all while simulating the committees, debates, and activities of the real United Nations.
    What does a Model United Nations student do?
    The FLHS MUN Team prepares for and attends MUN Conferences throughout the United States and internationally. At the conferences, the students act as delegates of their assigned country or historical figure and sit on simulated United Nations Committees to debate and resolve current international issues. To prepare for the conferences, students actively research, debate, problem-solve, and write proposals on world issues during practices.
    How will Model United Nations benefit me?
    The skills developed during MUN help the students prepare for college and careers. The students will gain unprecedented knowledge of world affairs. Public speaking, research, writing, critical thinking, problem-solving, diplomatic, and leadership skills are all things heavily recruited by premier colleges and universities. MUN can make students stand out to colleges and scholarship committees. The MUN experience also promotes cultural diversity and a deeper understanding of our interconnected, global society. The MUN Team is part of the FLHS Justice and Advocacy program and satisfies the J & A extracurricular requirement.
    When does the Model United Nations Team meet?
    The MUN Team meets every Thursday from 6:00-7:30 and occasionally on the three Mondays before competition from 6:00-7:30. All practices are held in the Library.
    Are there any requirements to be a Model United Nations team member?
    Students must be academically in good standing at FLHS, attend a minimum of 2/3’s of the practices, and attend at least two conferences per year. Additionally, students must prepare and submit a position paper (3-5 pages) before each conference they attend.
    To see the FLHS MUN Team in action and keep up with current events, follow us or look at our 2022-2023 schedule below:
    Instagram: @flhs_mun

    CRUMUN I: September 9th, 2023, from 9 am to 4 pm
    BruinMUN: November 10th-12th, 2023


    For more information or to join the team, please contact Alex Bagnara (, Makayla Kosberg ( or the Model UN Email:
  • Mu Alpha Theta

    Mu Alpha Theta is a mathematics honor society. Students that are invited to join must have at least a 3.0 math g.p.a. and have completed at least two high school math classes, including Algebra 1 and Geometry. In addition, they must be currently taking their third (or even fourth) high school math class. 

    In Mu Alpha Theta, we work to find ways that students can be involved in celebrating their successes in mathematics, as well as giving back and helping students who struggle in mathematics. We offer tutoring each week after school (Monday through Thursday) for any students that want to come and get help from our honor society members.
  • Multicultural Club

    This club offers opportunities for Faith Students to volunteer to put on cultural activities throughout the year with emphasis, but not limited to Hispanic Heritage Month, Black History Month,
    Asian & Pacific Islander Month.

    Officers are expect to design and lead culture projects (typically 3 a month). Members are expected to volunteer to help at least 3 events a year to maintain their status in the club. The club meets weekly. 

    The Faith Lutheran Multi-Cultural Clubs purpose is to embrace and showcase the various cultures of our students and honor it in way that preserves its intentions, symbolisms, and styles to create a climate of inclusivity on our schools campus. The club is open to all students as volunteers are needed throughout the year. The goal of our club is to promote activities that honor the different cultural heritages of our school community.

    Where: Portable 71
    When: Wednesdays at 2:45pm to 3:45pm

    Herbie Walker 
    Kate Powell
    Kristi Pishko 

    Lena Lemma '25 
  • Multicultural Club MS

    This club is currently forming. 

    Any questions, please contact Mr. Everett Wilson
  • National Art Honor Society HS


    Eligible Grades: 9-12
    NAHS is a National Society that welcomes qualified students who are supporters of the visual arts to participate in various projects that help promote art and educate these students further in the importance of visual art in their world.
    Students are required to have 10 NAHS service points for each semester. Regular attendance is required at weekly meetings with a required minimum attendance of 8 meetings per semester.
    There are various art related activities that students can do to apply their artistic skills, serve their community and earn NAHS points. Some past activities have included the following: 
    • Design t-shirts,
    • Create greeting cards
    • Design posters or bulletin boards
    • Give student presentations
    • Visit art museums or art galleries
    • Attend planned workshops
    • Help teachers / staff
    • Enter art competitions
    • Volunteer in the community
    • Support the Fine Arts Fundraiser event
    • and more
    Members are eligible to participate if they have an interest in visual art, desire to grow their artistic skills, attend meetings, actively participate in NAHS offerings.
    Student leadership is encouraged and NAHS members vote on their NAHS Officers.
    Quarterly reviews of attendance and points earned will be completed to encourage student members.

    The first meeting is in August. There is a required membership fee / national dues that are collected once during the school year.

    National Art Honor Society currently meets every Monday during HS lunch. 

  • National Honor Society

    This organization offers opportunities to be recognized for current excellence, create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, provide leadership, and develop character.

    The national Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students.  More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.  In an effort to keep NHS a prestigious group at Faith Lutheran, the following selection criteria has been determined (per Article III, Section 2. Local chapters may raise the cumulative GPA standard above the national minimum, or increase standards for the remaining selection criteria, apply them fairly and consistently, and include these standards in their locally published selection procedures.)

    All sophomore and junior students with an unweighed cumulative  GPA of 4.0 will be invited to apply for membership during the third/fourth quarter of the school year.  The formal application requires documented co-curricular activities, leadership positions, service activities, community activities, work experience, recognition, and awards.  A faculty council will review the application, accompanying essay, administration review, and will recommend or not recommend membership.  
    Members of this organization are expected to attend all monthly meetings, complete 50 or more hours of documented service between June 1 through April 15, participate in two out of four (1 per semester) FL all-chapter service projects, maintain at least a 3.8 unweighted GPA once they are accepted into membership, and pay an annual fee of $50.

    FLHS NHS By-Laws can be viewed here.
    FLHS NHS Dismissal procedures can be viewed here.

    FACULTY ADVISOR: Mrs. J. Buuck
  • National Jr Honor Society

    Dues:  $20/year
    7th grade students will be invited to apply to NJHS in the spring if they meet the minimum requirements of a 3.8 or higher cumulative GPA over the last three semesters.   National Junior Honor Society meets approximately once a month and may meet more depending on current activities. 

    Grades Eligible - Students are inducted at the end of 7th grade, but serve as 8th graders.

    Students are selected to be a part of NJHS by a faculty committee appointed by the middle school principal.  In addition to students having to meet the minimum GPA requirement, they must excel in the following four areas:  character, leadership, service, and citizenship.  Students must perform at least 15 hours of service per semester. These hours can be obtained on their own or by participating in NJHS activities. Activities are designed to promote service to the school or community. They include fundraisers, walk-a-thons, food drives, or other collections. NJHS participants must also participate in a individual or group project that will be outlined for them at the time of induction.
    In order to stay an active member in NJHS, students must attend all meetings, must participate in our chapter fundraisers, and must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.8.  
    There will be opportunities to serve off campus during the school day, and all members must participate at least one time during the school year.
    ADVISOR: Kathy Grant
  • National Jr. Art Honor Society

    National Junior Art Honor Society is an organization for students with a focused interest in the visual arts. It develops students' creative skills and promotes the visual arts in our communities. Motivated students with a B or better in art and an overall B average may join. Students are required to attend 12 meetings and earn 10 points  by the end of March through art-related activities. The induction ceremony for NJAHS takes place after recruitment closes in the first quarter. 
    Students who continue to meet or exceed membership requirements are awarded an NJAHS certificate and pin at the Middle School Fine Art Awards at the end of the academic year.
    National Junior Art Honor Society Activities include:
    • Weekly meetings 
    • Individual and group service projects
    • Creative contests and challenges
    • Raising the visibility of the visual arts on campus
    • Support the Lutheran Fine Arts Festival each spring
    Students are responsible for completing and submitting point forms in a timely manner to the NJAHS advisor. Some point activities must be completed outside of school. Students who do not fulfill attendance, grade, and points requirements will not receive NJAHS awards. NJAHS students are expected to contribute art work to and help set up and take down the Lutheran Fine Arts Festival Art Show.
    Where: Room 101
    When: Mondays from 3:15 - 4:45 pm; leadership stays until 5:00 pm for planning meetings
    Vice President: 

    ADVISOR: Mrs. September Wilson 
  • Net Admins

    This course prepares the student to prove their expertise with desktop, server, and networking components. Students will study and learn computer networking basics. The students will also be responsible for managing, troubleshooting, and overseeing the Faith Lutheran Network. This course will help students prepare for certification exams.
    • Prerequisites: Approval of CIO.
    • (Grades 9-12)
    ADVISOR: Tom Chalfant 
  • O-Cru

    Orientations at Faith Lutheran are all student led and student run. Remember all those students who helped you at your orientation? You could be one of them. This is a very important position as you will be the face of our school to our new Faith Family members. Usually, students are recommended to the Office of Student life, but if you have interest stop by the office! However, ultimately, you have to apply and be selected as an O-Cru team member. 

    Please note: There are two separate orientation teams (O-Cru).  Students who will be in the 7th or 8th grade may apply for both teams if they desire.  Please review the responsibilities and desired characteristics outlined below. 

    • Serve as a member of a team of ambassadors who love their school 
    • Work as a student leader in promoting Faith and providing accurate information to students
    • Help Office of Student Life create, implement and evaluate orientation programs
    • Welcome and engage students who are new to Faith Lutheran  
    • Help promote positive attitudes and camaraderie among classes
    • Assist teachers, administrators & the Director of Student Life in preparing new students for their academic, co-curricular & extracurricular experiences at FL
    • Attend all meetings and events to plan and carry out Ignite! and Newsaders orientations and possibly the Link assimilation program. *Link Cru members are selected based on needed numbers of small group leaders once the school year begins.
    • Loves Faith Lutheran!
    • Willingness to serve as a positive role model:  appropriate topics of conversation, appropriate  behavior, etc. 
    • Positive, cheerful, helpful attitude 
    • Good communication skills:  Answers emails in timely manner, communicates ideas to other  team members, ability to engage new students and initiate conversation with them
    • Ability to work with diverse teammates:  Not everyone will have the same interests or abilities
    • Punctuality: Be on time!
    • Creativity & resourcefulness: You will be challenged to come up with new and reasonable ideas within a fixed budget
    • Organization & dependability: You will be given various tasks to complete in order to assist with orientation events & will be depended on for the completion of such tasks 

    *The dates for these events & meetings will be determined and published with 2024-25 O-Cru Team Applications in April 2024. 
    • O-Cru Ignite! connection meeting
    • O-Cru Newsaders connection meeting
    • O-Cru training for Newsaders
    • O-Cru training for Ignite! 
    • O-Cru workshop prep day for both teams (This time commitment varies on your assigned job duty which is determined in the planning meeting. You may / may not need to be here the entire time.)
    • Ignite! orientation
    • Newsaders orientation 
    If you have any questions about this opportunity, please stop by the Office of Student Life, or contact Mrs. Buuck at
  • Optional Student Travel Opportunities

  • Photography Club

    The Photography Club is for high school and middle school students interested in learning more about the art of digital photography. Students have opportunities to take pictures, learn shooting and editing techniques, and go on photographic field trips.

    ADVISOR currently looking for an advisor
    STUDENT LEADER currently looking for student leadership
  • Pickleball Club HS

    Members of this club will participate after school.. Please wear gym shoes (no Crocs, sandals, or open toe shoes are allowed for safety reasons).  Please bring your own pickleball paddle. Must be willing to learn the sport of pickleball and have fun.

    Pickleball is the world’s fastest growing sport. This club is for students who are interested in learning and playing pickleball. New players and players with experience are welcome. The purpose is to connect other students over a fun sport to play together.

    Where? FLHS Courts (near the baseball field)
    When (day and time)?  Tuesdays 3:00-4:00 pm. Club will not meet if there is inclement weather (rain, high winds, etc.)

    Questions, please contact:
    Student leader: Dylan Wu,  
    Faculty: Mrs. Courtney Burns,
  • Praise Band

    Praise Band is a live, contemporary Christian band.   The musicians in this band have the honor of preparing and leading the music for Faith's weekly worship services.  The High School Praise Band is a first block class.  There are two separate High School groups,  a maroon day band and a gold day band.  Their auditions are held in February for all positions; guitars, keyboards, drums, and vocalists.  They rehearse during their first block time frame.    
    The Middle School Praise Band is an early bird class that rehearses at 6:45 a.m. 3 days a week.   Their auditions are held in May. 
    Living a life for Jesus and serving others on and off the stage are foundational principles of Praise Band.  As worship leaders and servant leaders,  a strong relationship with Jesus Christ is critical as Praise Band delivers the message of salvation through music.  
    ADVISOR Paul Pullmann
  • Programming Club

    Currently seeking Student Leaders & inactive.

    This club offers its members the chance to sharpen their programming skills through lessons and enjoyable programming projects beyond what is offered within courses at FLHS. Students will learn advanced programming techniques and concepts, along with the chance to apply these concepts to programming projects both individually and in a group setting. Through consistent attendance at the club, members will build an exemplary programming resume, an item vital to compete in today’s job settings.

    Members of the club will be expected to attend weekly meetings on Tuesdays after school. The vast majority of the meetings will be lessons, educating members on programming languages. Units will be structured, each lasting several weeks, with the purpose of educating students on how to program in different languages. Although a handful of meetings will also be dedicated to working on programming projects to put these lessons into real-world practice.
    Occasionally, there will be programming competitions between the members, designed to simulate a job setting, in which members will write code following specific guidelines. Most of the meetings will not entail any outside work, but when a new project is introduced during a meeting the members will be highly encouraged to work on the project outside of the club to not fall behind other members, but outside work is not vital to participation in the club. A key factor within several STEM fields is, however, a strong emphasis on collaboration.

    The club will be structured as the following:
    • Throughout the year, the club will move through units, each designed to educate students on a particular programming language (including syntax, background, application, etc).
    • Units in the second semester may also be based around specific packages, or programming techniques to hone in on topics such as AI, and game development.
    • Each meeting, the club will close with a programming “challenge”. In reference to technical interviews, in which candidates are usually tasked with solving an issue through constructing a piece of code, students will be challenged to come up with a solution by the next meeting, and such solutions will be discussed at the beginning of each meeting.

    The club has five major goals.

    1. Bringing together students that are passionate about programming.
    2. Providing the opportunity for students to learn from one another.
    3. Sharpening the programming skills of FLHS.
    4. Brining computer science concepts beyond basic FLHS courses to students.
    5. Building a programming resume/portfolio for the future, especially within the information age, learning a new skill can be challenging. Programming is no exception, as there are hundreds if not thousands of web pages, tutorials, and online classes dedicated to teaching kids code, each with their own varied approach. Although from students who have several years of experience within a variety of programming based concepts, programming club offers students the chance to truly learn how to code in practically any language.
    Where: Room 221
    When: Tuesdays 3-4 pm

    Student Founder (Graduated) Lorenzo Cacciapuoti
    Faculty Advisor: Daniel Kober
  • Quiz Bowl MS

    This club offers opportunities for students to work as individuals and as a team to answer pyramidal style formatted questions on various topics from academics to popular culture.  It is also an opportunity to practice for the high school quiz bowl team and eventually college quiz bowl teams.

    Members of the middle school quiz bowl team are expected to attend and participate in a practice each week. They are also expected to attend the majority of the quiz bowl matches during the season. In keeping with the club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings. 

    The goal of the middle school quiz bowl team is to provide a fun but challenging competition for students to share their knowledge not only about academics but also activities outside of school such as sports, music, and popular culture.

    Room 74 on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 pm
    Matches will be held on Saturday Mornings

  • Quiz Bowl/Varsity Quiz HS


    Varsity quiz is an academic competition between Clark County High Schools. Teams of four compete in a Jeopardy style buzzer quiz format. Each match last three rounds. At the end of the regular season, the top teams from each site compete in a playoff to determine the Clark County champion. The finals are aired on PBS.

    Students are expected to display excellent academic knowledge, good sportsmanship, and a Christ-like attitude when dealing with other team members and schools. Practices are once a week from late September through early December. In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings.

    Our club’s purpose is to compete successfully in Varsity Quiz competitions. Our goal is to win the regional championship and compete for the Clark County championship.

    When: Fridays, 3 - 4:00 pm
    Where: Room 214
    Miss Hricsina
  • Red Cross Club

    Working with FL students, faculty, and staff to encourage blood donation as well as potential fundraising for disaster relief. 

    Members of this club/activity are expected to help spread the word of the importance of blood donation and also to assist at these drives.  In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings.  We would meet approximately once a quarter and correspond via text and email otherwise.  

    Our club's purpose is to host bloods drives twice a year.  The goal of our club is to involve all eligible donors (students and faculty and staff) and to inform the school about the importance of blood donation. 

    Where: Mrs. Grant's Room 224 
    When: Meetings will occur 1X each quarter.  Check daily announcements for dates and times. 

    Student President: Peter Milohnic '26
    Faculty Advisor:   Mrs. Kathy Grant
  • Rock Band / Recording Club

    This club offers opportunities for students to create an original band with the help of professional musicians from the Fabulous Las Vegas Strip.
    Members of this club/activity are expected to be at three of every four rehearsals. Failure to do so will result in termination from the group.
     Members will also need to bring their own equipment to each rehearsal. Only drums and cymbals will be provided, along with a P/A.
    In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings.
    Our club’s purpose is to provide a musical outlet for students interested in current musical styles.
    The goal of our club is to perform in school music concerts with a possible original recording.
    Where? Room 602
    When?   Thursday 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm.
  • RPG Roleplaying Games

    The RPG Club or Role Playing Games Club is open to all middle and high school students. If you enjoy fantasy and/or science fiction stories, then this is the club for you! 

    In RPG Club, students play classic role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, and many more! They create imaginary characters and then travel through the game's story under the direction of a student game master. Creativity, fun, and lots of laughter are guaranteed!

    No previous experience is necessary! Veteran gamers will gladly show you the ropes!

    High School RPG meets once a week on Tuesdays after school in Miss Heimlich's classroom, portable 64 from 3:00 - 5:00pm.

    HIGH SCHOOL ADVISOR Carrie Heimlich 
    Joseph Amen '25, Sawyer Hatch '27 & Jane Huh '25 
  • SAT & ACT Class

    MostPrep runs classes in preparation for the SAT. You may use this LINK to sign up for a class. Please contact MostPrep by e-mail ( or phone (702-896-1307 -- this is a landline, so please don't send a text!) if you have any questions. MostPrep's 6-week course for $650 aims to fully cover the most important content for the entire SAT, all of which carries over to the ACT. Two proctored practice tests are included. Due to demand most courses allow you to select between two sessions. Session A meets on Tuesday nights (7 - 9:30pm) and Friday afternoons (4 - 5:30pm); Session B meets on Wednesday nights (7 - 9:30pm) and Friday evenings (6 - 7:30pm). Practice tests for both sessions run from 8am - 11:30am the final two Saturdays before the upcoming SAT.

    Contact Mr. Buikema at with questions.
  • Science National Honor Society

    Science National Honor Society (SNHS) is an organization for students who excel in the sciences to join together, recognize their abilities, and to serve others with their talents. The members run a tutoring service after school two days a week in Mrs. Blank’s room (312) and online via Zoom in the evenings for all students, middle school or high school, who would like help in any science subject. Members are given the opportunity to listen to speakers in various scientific fields, in partnership with the STEM academy. Finally, science related service projects are manned by members of the SNHS chapter at Faith Lutheran, such as judging and running science fairs of local elementary schools.
    As such, a member of SNHS is required to tutor at least 20 hours during the school year and are invited to participate in the other activities listed above. To be eligible for SNHS membership, students must have a cumulative unweighted GPA of at least 3.5 and a weighted GPA of at least 3.75 in the sciences. 10th-12th graders are invited to join in September each year via the General Announcements.
    The purpose of Science National Honor Society is to recognize achievement in the sciences for those accepted into the organization, as well as serving others with the members’ knowledge, passion, and gift in the sciences. Serving others would include a tutoring service for any student at Faith who needs help in the sciences and participating in science related service projects in the community. 
    Tutoring takes place on campus from 2:45-3:45pm on Mondays & Tuesdays in Room 312 and Wednesdays & Thursdays (Room 335). Members will receive notice from the Advisor for any meetings other than tutoring sessions.
    The faculty advisor for Science National Honor Society is Mrs. Blank.
  • Ski & Snowboarding Club

    Currently inactive - advisor needed

    This club offers opportunities for students to travel out of state for skiing and snowboarding.  All middle and high school grades, their siblings and parents are welcome to join in the adventure.  All experience levels are welcome. Trips will be held twice a month from January through March. All trips are weather dependant.  

    There will be no club meetings.  Rather, a google form, medical form, and Crusader Connect form for each trip will need to be filled out two weeks prior to the trip.  The order in which the forms are received will determine placement on the bus. The cost for each trip will be determined based on the number of attendees.  Average cost will be approximately $200 which includes the cost of transportation and a ticket. If students need rentals or lessons, cost will increase accordingly.  Per Faith Lutheran Code of Conduct, all students will be expected to follow the rules per the Faith Lutheran Student Parent Handbook while on all trips. All students are expected to ride the bus to and from the resort for safety reasons.

    Our club’s purpose is to provide Faith Lutheran Middle & High School students an opportunity to connect with other students in a Christian setting to enjoy snowboarding and skiing weekend outings.
    Trips will be day trips with departure by 4:30am and returning by 8pm, depending upon the resort. Trips will be to nearby ski resorts:
    Brian Head, near Cedar City, UT
    Eagle Point, near Veaver, UT
    Arizona Snowbowl, Flagstaff, AZ

    Medical Permission Form will need to be printed, completed and submitted to Faculty Advisor prior to trips.

  • Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica HS


    Grade levels: 10, 11, and 12
    Dues:  $20/year
    Our focus is on community service, especially helping our local Spanish-speaking families.
    Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (SHH) or Spanish Honor Society is an honor society for students who have completed Spanish III or Spanish IV and have maintained a grade of 87% or higher both semesters as well as a cumulative weighted GPA of 4.0. Students who are inducted MUST take a full year of Spanish the year after being inducted.  If a student drops Spanish during his/her first year in SHH, he/she will no longer be eligible to participate in SHH. 
    Our focus is on community service, especially helping our local Spanish-speaking families.

    In order to stay an active member in SHH, students must attend all meetings, participate in our chapter fundraisers, and maintain a cumulative weighted GPA of 3.8.  
    Upon graduation, students who have fulfilled all the requirements will be honored with a SHH honor cord .
    FACULTY ADVISOR: Kathy Grant
  • Spanish Book Club

    This club offers opportunities to read various pieces of Spanish literature, such as contemporary novels and poetry. This allows members to grow in the Spanish language through reading, analyzing, and discussing these writings. 

    Members of this club are expected to read the novels that we decide on as a group in between monthly meetings, and to participate in the discussion of said novels. Meetings will be spent discussing the plot or theme of the literature and anything that was difficult to understand, as well as reviewing key vocabulary to the writing. If members do not read the literature, they are still encouraged to attend for discussion and vocabulary review. Members are expected to be able to access the books that we will be reading this year, whether that be by buying a physical copy,  borrowing one from a library, obtaining an electronic copy, or however else one can access.  

    Our club’s purpose is to provide members with a safe space to practice their reading comprehension skills and expand their vocabulary in Spanish with the support of their peers.  The goal of our club is to not only allow more practice in Spanish, but also to create a fun and inviting environment to encourage students to widen their range of literature. 

    Where? Room: Portable 55
    When? Last Monday of each month, 3-4 pm (Oct. 30th, Nov. 27th, Jan. 29th, Feb. 26th, March 25th, April 29th, May 13th)

    Eleanor Berardinelli ( )
    Michael Vardanyan ( )
    Faculty Advisor: Mr. TJ Heupel ( )
  • Spanish Conversation Club

    This activity offers opportunities for students to spend time together and with staff members who are interested in conversing in Spanish.  Students will have the opportunity to practice their Spanish listening comprehension and Spanish speaking abilities.
    Members of this activity are expected to participate in Spanish as much as possible.  Since this club meets during lunchtime, members are expected to help clean the classroom at the end of the meeting.  Attendance will be taken at all meetings.
    This club's purpose is to allow students to practice Spanish listening and speaking skills in a relaxed environment free of formal assessments.  Our club aims to have students become more comfortable in their use of Spanish and advance in their abilities to use a foreign language. 

    WHERE: Room 55
    WHEN: Gold Day Fridays during HS Lunch
  • Spanish Soap Opera Club

    This activity offers opportunities for students to spend time together viewing an enjoyable Spanish soap opera.  Students will have the opportunity to practice their Spanish listening comprehension and practice reacting by speaking in Spanish.
    Members of this activity are expected to be respectful while viewing of the Spanish soap opera.  Attendance will be taken at all meetings.
    The purpose of this club is to give students an opportunity to practice Spanish listening and speaking skills in a relaxed environment free of formal assessments.  The goal of our club is to have students become more comfortable in their use of Spanish as well as advance in their abilities to use a foreign language. 
    WHERE: Room 55
    WHEN:  Thursday's during advisory 


  • Strings

    The music program at Faith Lutheran offers students from all skill-sets the unique opportunity to learn and hone their crafts in both instrumental and vocal performance. The instrumental program is for students in 6-12 grade from beginning guitar & orchestra students to those experienced with their chosen instrument. The instrumental program offers a chance for brand new musicians to find their talents as well as Conservatory students to hone their skills so they may pursue music after graduation.The music program has traveled all over the world competing both nationally and internationally. The music program opens a doorway to membership into Tri-M, the National Music Honor Society.

    Mr. Dan Zeigner
    Mr. Johnny Rivera 
  • Student Aides

    This course is designed to give students practical work experience from secretarial work to teacher assistant work including the grading of papers. Any student wishing to be an aide must be a student in good academic and behavioral standing. A PASS or FAIL grade is received for this class. On the transcript, student aide counts as an elective. A STUDENT MAY AIDE ONLY ONCE IN HIS/HER HIGH SCHOOL CAREER. The only exception to this rule is a scheduling problem that requires aiding to fill a student’s schedule. (Grades 11-12)

    Library Aide (006): Library aides work in the library under the direction of the librarian. These aides will help to maintain and deliver AV equipment, make photocopies, and assist in the processing and shelving of books. Any student wishing to be an aide must be a student in good academic and behavioral standing. A PASS or FAIL grade is received for this class. On the transcript, library aide counts as an elective. A STUDENT MAY AIDE ONLY ONCE IN HIS/HER HIGH SCHOOL CAREER. The only exception to this rule is a scheduling problem that requires aiding to fill a student’s schedule. (Grades 11-12)

    Math Teaching Aide (002): This class is for high school students who have a passion for working with other math students. As a Math Aide, students would be tutoring in a middle school math class or in the high school Mathematics Lab. Although the teacher will determine what is needed for his/her students, this could mean helping individual students with problems during independent work time or working with a small group of students who need extra help on specific skills. This is a great opportunity for high school students having strong math skills to not only share their expertise with other students, but to strengthen their own skills by teaching others. Prerequisite: completion of Algebra 1 and Geometry with an 85% or better. (Grades 10-12)

    ADVISOR: Dan Buikema
  • Student Leadership MS - House Leaders

    A House Leader is someone who has a passion for Faith Lutheran's school culture, a strong desire to serve their peers, an interest in building the skills of a servant leader, models the Faith 15 in all aspects of their life, and forms positive relationships with those around them. The capability to work on a team is a must!

    Currently enrolled 6th & 7th graders (rising 7th & 8th graders that have paid their enrollment deposit for next academic year) that are interested in being elected to a House Leadership position must contact the advisor to receive an application.  The application and election process is conducted in the spring

    Students elected to their House Leadership will become members of the Middle School Student Leadership Team and are required to meet before school through an early bird course on Wednesdays and Thursdays, beginning with the 2023-2024 academic year. 

    The members of this class are chosen through an election process within the House System and will be responsible for planning assemblies, monthly activities, school wide events, and will assist the high school student council when needed. Each member of the class will work to maintain positive school spirit within the student body throughout the year.

    ADVISOR: Ms. Kosberg 
  • Student Leadership Team HS

    Faith Lutheran’s award winning High School Student Leadership Team (Student Council) is a member of the Southern Regional Zone of the NV Association of Student Councils as well as a member of the National Association of Student Councils (NASC).  This team  holds awards from NV’s NASC and has maintained their status as a National Council of Excellence Gold status since 2016-17.
    Applications for Student Council become available in January and elections are held in February.  There are a maximum of 40 total positions that include elected student body leaders, elected class officers, and advisor appointed positions. In addition to being elected or appointed to a position, all members must be enrolled in the Student Leadership Honors Class (G3). Members of Student Council begin their service in the summer through homework assignments, special training, and a retreat, all to help them prepare to lead the student body the following school year.

    TEACHER/ADVISOR: Mrs. J. Klemm
  • The Eras Bible Study

    This club is open to all grades.
    This club offers a unique opportunity to deepen your relationship with God by connecting Taylor Swift’s lyrics to Bible verses through similar themes or phrases. Then, we discuss the deeper meaning in those verses to better understand who God is and discover His love. To be clear, we are not worshiping Taylor Swift nor equating her with God; rather, we are using her lyrics as a creative way to bridge our contemporary interests to God’s Word to become closer with Him.

    Members of this club are expected to be respectful towards one another. While attendees do not have to identify as Christian, we expect all members to show respect for each other's beliefs and our values. To be an official member of The Eras Bible Study, one must attend at least 50% of the meetings.

    Our club’s ultimate purpose is to help people deepen their relationship with God and grow spiritually. The goal of our club is to create a welcoming space where members can explore and strengthen their relationship with God by connecting modern interests, like Taylor Swift's lyrics, with God’s Word. The plan to achieve our purpose & goal is by showing God’s loving and divine character to our members by connecting Taylor Swift’s lyrics to His Word.

    Where? Room 225
    When? Every Tuesday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

    Student Leader, Michael Vardanyan
    Volunteer Advisor, Becky Chaplin  
  • Travel Abroad

    International travel opportunities are BACK at Faith Lutheran for all high school students. We partner with ACIS, an educational travel company with whom we've taken students to Peru, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. 

    This year's Spring Break trip is to Australia/New Zealand! For information- visit the TripSite here: Link to register for Australia/NZ 

    This year's Summer trip is to Costa Rica.  For information- visit the TripSite here: : Link to register for Costa Rica

    Please contact Mr. Klenz for more information!
  • Tri-M Music Honor Society HS

    Tri-M is the international music honor society for secondary schools students that motivates and recognizes musical achievement.  Candidates for student membership shall be chosen from students enrolled in Faith Lutheran School’s music departments who meet chapter requirements.
    Tri-M is important at our school for many reasons: it provides unity between the vocal and instrumental students, a sense of pride in the music department, community spirit, recognition of the excellence of our music students, and recognition for our graduating seniors. TRI-M is a student organization of the National Association of Music Education.
    New Members are selected in the fall of the school year based on the following criteria:
    1. Music – enrolled in a school-sponsored music ensemble and/or class.
    2. Scholarship – an A average in music and at least a 3.0 GPA
    3. Leadership, Service, and Character – have demonstrated leadership, service, and character in their music and other activities.
    4. Lettering – have achieved and been awarded a Music Letter.
    5. Recommendation – from their primary music director.
    • Participation in all TRI-M activities
    • Remain enrolled as member of a FLHS class music ensemble. 
    • Maintain an A average in music class and at least a 3.0 GPA. 
    • Continue to demonstrate leadership, service, and character in their music and other  activities.
    • Lettering in Music each year.
    • Performing at the Annual Spring TRI-M Recital.
    • Student membership will lapse until those standards are once again met.
    • In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings.
    TRI-M purpose is to provide a means of recognizing the efforts and achievements of music students who volunteer their time and share their musical talent with others.. 
    The goal of the society is to foster greater interest in band, handbells, orchestra and choral performance and to provide wider opportunities for personal musical expression. Students are selected for membership on the basis of musicianship, scholarship, character, cooperation, leadership, and service
    To be announced through school email and announcements.
    TRI-M is a student organization of the National Association for Music Education. 

    ADVISOR:  Mr. D. Zeigner
  • Trial By Peers - Faith Unit

    The Clark County Law Foundation's Trial By Peers (TBP) program is an innovative diversion program used as an alternative for first and some second time juvenile offenders. This program gives juveniles hands-on experience within the legal system and allows youth charged with misdemeanors to be tried, represented, and sentenced by their peers - other teens.

    Youth have the opportunity to participate in TBP in three primary areas of the program: as a defendant, a peer counselor or a juror. Defendants are prosecuted, defended by teen counselors, and tried in front of a jury of their peers. Teen juries determine the guilt or innocence and if applicable, impose a sentence. If the defendant completes the sentence accordingly, then his record will only reflect a referral to the peer court. Sentences may include jury duty, community services, letters of apology, and personal development classes.

    This information was retrieved from:  Clark County Law Foundation, Trial by Peers

    Below is the link that will take you to the Trial by Peers Summer Interest Form for 2024. This form will put you on the list to receive the application to the program.  Applications are generally distributed in March or April for the following summer program.  Once a student has completed the training program, they are able to serve until they graduate from high school.
    TBP Summer Interest Form

    For further information, Faith Lutheran students interested in the Clark County Law Foundation's Trial by Peers program should contact:  Julie Buuck, Director of Student Life
    Office in Aux Gym.  
    Additionally, once you have been designated a Peer Counselor, please let Mrs. Buuck know.
  • Ultimate Frisbee Club

    Ultimate is a non-contact, self-refereed team sport played with a flying disc frisbee. The aim of the game - Two equal teams compete on a playing field about the same length as a football field. At each end of the playing field there is an end zone. Each team defends one end zone. If a player catches the frisbee in the end zone, they score!

    This is purely for fun, any high school student can come :) 
    • Where? Village Green Park (across the street)
    • When? Every Thursday at 3:15

    Student Leader:  currently looking for student leadership
    Faculty Advisor:  currently looking for faculty advisor
  • VEX Robotics Club HS

    Students will work in teams to build robotics designed and programmed to compete in Robotics Education & Competition Foundation designed games. Through its uniquely engaging combination of teamwork, problem solving, and scientific discovery, the study of competitive robotics encompasses aspects of STEM. Students are not building VEX robots because their job will involve tightening shaft collars on a metal bar - they are executing an engineering design and problem-solving process that resembles the mindset used by professionals around the world. 

    Members are expected to be able to maintain and meet robotics lab expectations. Students are expected to learn the basics of robotics and general principles of engineering through their work. Students are expected to regularly attend meetings and communicate openly with their group members. Members are also expected to be available to attend at least 2 competitions throughout the year. Dates and times of those will be communicated to members when scheduled.

    VEX Robotics Club exists to increase interest and opportunities for students in the STEM fields through building competitive robotics. 

    Tuesday-Thursday 2:40pm- 4:00pm, additional meeting times as arranged by Faculty Advisor.

    Mr. Kober 
  • VEX Robotics Club MS

    Please contact  Mr. Jacob Schumacher for information.
  • ViSA (Visiting Student Ambassadors)

    Members of the VISA Team are student ambassadors that represent Faith Lutheran by serving prospective students on shadow days and at admissions events, and helping new to Faith Lutheran students during their first days at school.

    The 2023-24 school year team is established, but students interested should contact a member of the admissions team.  


    Admissions Team: 
    Mrs. Michelle Dwyer 
    Mrs. Jen Whitney
  • We The People HS

    The We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution Program promotes civic competence and responsibility among the nations secondary students. The culminating activity is a simulated congressional hearing in which students “testify” (while they test their knowledge and confidence) before a panel of volunteer attorneys, educators and civic leaders.

    Students are expected to compete at the Districts and if applicable at the State and National level.

    Developed by the Center for Civic Education, the primary goal of We the People is to promote civic competence and responsibility among the nation's upper elementary and secondary students.

    In AP Gov’t Classes

    FACULTY ADVISOR: Mr. Tonniges
  • We The People MS

    This course will delve into the most important ideas of our United States Constitution and how they were developed. By studying the Constitution, the student will be able to understand our government and how it is supposed to work.

    Students will discover the people who wrote our Constitution and the purposes of government. They will be able to understand important events that have happened to the Constitution since it was written, discover the ways it has changed, and the ways it has stayed the same. The students will also be able to see how our government affects their lives and how they can influence their government in a positive way.

    National We the People Competition
    This course will participate in the National We the People Competition in Washington DC in early May, Lord willing.  We will be saving for this trip through optional deductions in tuition accounts. More details to follow in the coming weeks.
    If you have any questions about taking this course or would like more information, please contact Mrs. Carroll
  • Yearbook HS

    The Flame - the High School Yearbook
    Students involved in the Classes put together the high school yearbook. Beginning staffers learn the basic skills involved in page creation, while advanced staffers may be involved in leadership opportunities (being editors or managers) and in more advanced planning and design.
    We have several classes available. Students should sign up for the classes in January AND submit an application (forms will be available below beginning January 1) to Mrs. Elliott. Honors Yearbook III and Honors Yearbook IV are by application only.
    For scheduling purposes, all students will sign up for Yearbook 1 in January. Students will indicate which class they are signing up for on their applications.
    • CompSci -- YB:  Completion of this year-long class earns students a Computer Science credit! Students will learn practical, real-world computer skills that will help them in yearbook and in other classes.
    • Fine Arts -- YB: Completion of this year-long class earns students a Fine Arts credit! Students will learn the basics of good design and related art terms and put that knowledge into practice as they design yearbook pages and theme packages.
    • Honors Yearbook III and Honors Yearbook IV -- Students will specialize in an area that interests them -- examples are photography, writing, reporting, organization, or being an editor or business manager. The Honors portion of the credit will be gained by completing special projects (to be determined by the staffer and the Adviser). 
    All questions can be addressed to Mrs. Jody Rael, or stop by room 222
  • Yearbook Mentorship Club

    This club/activity offers high school students opportunities to get hands-on experience in developing leadership and professional skills while mentoring Middle School students in the production of a Yearbook .
    Members of this club/activity are expected to be available to complete the yearbook assignment chosen with mentee in entirety and on time to meet yearbook deadlines.  

    Mentees are expected to have the following characteristics:
    • A high level of “social interest” –This is indicated by a positive attitude, optimism, genuine desire to be helpful, and empathy.  
    • School Performance– There is no evidence that straight-A students make better mentors than those with average grades.  However, consistent attendance, passing grades, and participation in school activities indicate stability and a positive connection to school.
    • Special skills– Although this club does not require an initial set of special skills, special skills are appreciated in art, design, writing, and photography.  If the mentor does not have a skillset he/ she must be willing to develop one.

    “In keeping with club protocol at Faith Lutheran, attendance is taken at all meetings.”  

    Our club’s purpose is to provide growth and learning opportunities for both mentors and Middle School mentees working on a common goal, the Middle School Yearbook.
    The goal of our club is to provide an opportunity for a high school to foster a relationship with middle school students,  who have a natural tendency to look up to slightly older youth, and be a role model worth listening to.
    • For mentees, the goal for the club is to have a positive impact
      • Connectedness to school and peers
      • Feelings of competency and self-efficacy
      • Academic Achievement
      • Prosocial behavior and attitudes
    • For mentors, the goal for the club is to improve
      • Connectedness to school
      • Self-esteem through service
      • Empathy and moral reasoning
      • Intrapersonal communication and conflict resolution skills

    Where: Room 220
    When: The first Monday of every month 3:30-5:00
               Every Thursday 3:30- 5:00 starting Aug 25, 2022
    Interest Meeting Monday, Aug 15, 2022; Applications due Aug 19, 2022 by 3:00 pm.

    More opportunities during the weeks leading up to yearbook deadline:
    • November 14-18
    • January 3-6
    • February 6-9
    •  March 6-9

    Mrs. Jodi Snodgrass
  • Yearbook MS

    This class offers opportunities for 7th and 8th grade students to participate in creating the middle school yearbook. The Middle School Yearbook class is designed for those students who are interested in bringing to life the everyday activities at Faith Lutheran. Students will learn the basics in effective yearbook publication and the skills necessary to create a school yearbook.  Skills varying from photography to writing, editing and publishing works will be practiced. 
    Students of this class are expected to take pictures, get involved with school activities, and participate in classroom lessons in order to gain the knowledge needed to create and publish the yearbook.  Interested students sign up for the class when selecting courses for the upcoming school year.
    Our purpose is to produce a student published yearbook of events and activities throughout the year at Faith Lutheran Middle School.
    The goal of our group is to complete all deadlines on time, ensuring the shipment of our yearbook by the end of the school year.
    Where: Room 220
    When: Thursdays after school 3:20 - 5:00 pm
    FACULTY ADVISOR:  Mrs. Jodi Snodgrass