Christ Academy

The Christ Academy challenges students to grow in the Christian faith, further explore Biblical theology, and consider the vocations to which God has called them — perhaps even a career in full-time Christian ministry. Throughout the United States and the world, the need for strong Christian leaders has never been greater. Experiences and courses in the Christ Academy of Theology and Ministry equip students to consider the many ways they can fill that role in the Church.

List of 3 items.

  • Capstone Course

    This course in Theology and Vocation stretches and challenges beyond the scope of the typical theology course. Topics include: how to know your calling as part of the body of Christ, theology of worship, defending the faith, and evangelism.
  • Endorsement

    Faith Lutheran High School offers a Christ Academy Endorsement that is added to a student's transcript upon completion demonstrating personal growth and a better understanding of Biblical theology. Students graduating from the Academy will have completed at least 5 credits in theology such as Faith I, Faith II, Faith III, Faith IV, Applied Christianity, and the capstone course in Theology and Vocation.
  • Ministry Experience

    As part of the Academy, students will complete and present about an approved ministry experience. Ministry experiences can include a leadership position on a mission trip or a 50-hour church internship with a full-time church minister. The ministry experience will culminate in a presentation of their work.

Requirements & Coursework

List of 2 items.

  • Application

    Freshmen and sophomores will be invited each January to fill out an application and solicit one or more recommendations from theology teachers.
  • Required Classes

    Students are required to complete 5 credits of theology courses including:
    Faith I, Faith II, Faith III, Faith IV (or Applied Christianity), and Theology and Vocation Capstone Course

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